IM Markets is incorporated in Saint Vincent & the Grenadines. The brokerage is licensed and regulated under the country’s Financial Service Authority. The company’s business registration number is 3050LLC2023.
IM MARKETS LLC is a registered member under National Futures Association(NFA). The NFA registration number ID is 0556226.
IM MARKETS LIMITED holds a registered Money Services Business(MSB) license in Canada. The MSB Registration Number is M20180039.
All investments can be substantial. Information on the past performance of a financial instrument does not guarantee the present and/or future performance. The value of the financial instrument (CFDs or any other derivative product) may decrease and the client may receive less money than originally invested, or the value of the financial instrument may present high fluctuations. Thus, it is not available for all investors. You should carefully consider your investment objectives, financial situation, trading experience, and risk tolerance before deciding to buy and sell the products offered by IM Markets. Do not put money into investments that you cannot afford to lose. Please kindly read the disclosure, privacy policy, and disclaimer on our website before you trade.
Regional Restrictions:
IM MARKETS does not provide services to residents of following but not limited to Afghanistan, Belarus, Botswana, Burundi, Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mali, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Singapore, Somalia, Somali Republic, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, United States of America, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe.